VSP's online Eligibility Management tools are available to authenticated client contacts with group level (all divisions) or division level (specific divisions) access. If a division/class combination does not appear, please contact the Client Support Center at (800) 216-6248.
- Adds, terms and changes can be entered up to 5 months in the future.
- Transfers can only be entered up to 2 months in the future.
Example: If you process an add, change, term or reinstate in the month of September, you can use an effective date up to February of the following year.
Example: If you process a transfer in the month of September, you can use an effective date up to November of the current year.
- Updates can have a retroactive effective date retro to 2 months plus the current month. This includes adds, changes, terminations, reinstates and transfers.
Example: If you process a retroactive update in September, you can use an effective date retro to July.
A member's coverage start date cannot be changed using Manage Eligibility. Please contact the Client Support Center at (800) 216-6248 for assistance.
A member’s id cannot be changed using Manage Eligibility. Please contact the Client Support Center at (800) 216-6248 for assistance.
In the First Name field, enter the first name, a space and the middle initial.
- First reinstate the member under the previous division and then transfer the member to the new division/class on the Member Details Screen. Reinstate the member with the same effective date you wish to transfer to the division.
Example: If the member should be in the new division effective September. Reinstate the member under the previous division effective September and transfer the member to the new division effective September.
First reinstate the member and then update the member's information.
- COBRA benefits elected by a member require no changes to eligibility, unless one of the following apply:
- If you have a separate COBRA division, transfer the member to the active COBRA division.
- If the member was previously terminated, reinstate the member.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Client Support Center at (800) 216-6248.
It is not necessary to send paperwork to VSP. With VSP's online Manage Eligibility tool, your changes have already been saved to our system.
Please contact the Client Support Center at (800) 216-6248 for assistance.
Update the member's level of coverage on the Member Details screen.
The "coverage start date" is the date a member's coverage originally became effective under your plan. The field is read-only and cannot be changed using the VSP Resource Center.
The "effective date of change" is the date a member's information will go into effect. VSP uses this date to ensure that the changes you make to a member's information are available on the appropriate date.
The gender and date-of-birth are required to assist VSP with member identification.
New Member information sent to VSP without a gender designation automatically defaults to a Female gender type. To correct the gender, go to the Member Detail page and submit the change by selecting Update.
- Select Add/Reinstate Member
- Enter the member ID in the Member ID box.
- Click Search .
- Within the Add member page, select a Division/Class from the drop-down list.
- Enter the member information.
- Enter the address information.
- Click Add. You'll receive a Member Added confirmation.
If you track dependents, you will have the additional option to add dependent information (i.e. View Dependent in the task menu).
- Select Manage Member Details .
- Enter the last name or member ID in the Member ID box.
- Click Search . If you have multiple members with the same last name, a list of members will appear. Select the member you want to view, otherwise, the only member with the last name will appear in the member detail screen.
- Within the Member Details page, select Update from the task menu.
- Make your updates.
- Select the effective date from the drop down list.
- Click Update . You'll receive a Member Updated confirmation.
- Select Add/Reinstate Member .
- Enter the last name or member ID .
- Click Search . If you have multiple members with the same last name, a list of members will appear. Select the member you want to view, otherwise, the only member with the last name will appear in the Member Details page.
- Within the Member Details page, select Reinstate from the task menu.
- Select the reinstate date from the drop down list.
- Click Reinstate . You'll receive a Member Reinstated confirmation.
If the member has been terminated for more than 13 months, you will need to add the member.
- Select Manage Member Details .
- Enter the last name or member ID.
- Click Search .
- If you have multiple members with the same last name, a list of members will appear. Select the member you want to view in the member detail screen.
- If you search by member id, the member will appear in the member detail screen.
You can also search for a member by selecting Manage Eligibility then the Division and Class the member is in, and then by name.
- Select Manage Member Details .
- Enter the last name or member ID.
- Click Search .
- If you search by last name and have multiple members with the same last name, a list of members will appear. Select the member you want to view in the member detail screen.
- If you search by member id, the member will appear in the member detail screen.
- Or you can search for a member by selecting Manage Eligibility then the Division and Class the member is in, and then by name.
- Within the Member Details page, select Terminate from the task menu.
- Select the termination effective date from the drop down list.
- Select the termination reason from the drop down list.
- Click Terminate . You'll receive a Termination confirmation. Click Yes to continue.
- The transfer function is only available if you have more then one division.
- Select Manage Member Details .
- Enter the last name or member ID.
- Click Search .
- If you search by last name and have multiple members with the same last name, a list of members will appear. Select the member you want to view in the member detail screen.
- If you search by member id, the member will appear in the member detail screen.
- You can also search for a member by selecting Manage Eligibility then the Division and Class the member is in, and then by name.
- Within the Member Details page, select Transfer from the task menu.
- Select the new Division-Class from the drop down list.
- Select the transfer effective date from the drop down list.
- Click Transfer . You'll receive a Member transferred confirmation.
- Dependent tracking is a membership reporting option that allows VSP's system to track the names, relationships, genders, and date of birth of a member's eligible dependent(s).
If you are interested in setting up your plan for dependent tracking, or if you want to find out if your plan is already set up for dependent tracking, please contact the Client Support Center at 800-216-6248.
- This feature is only available for Dependent Tracking clients
- Within the Member Details screen click the Update button in the Dependents section of the member.
- Select an Add action on any blank row.
- Enter the data for the blank fields in the row.
Click the
Save button or press the
Enter or
Return key on your keyboard when you've made all your edits.
*Note: In order to add a dependent, the member's coverage code must be a code other than C-Member Only
- This feature is only available for Dependent Tracking clients
- Within the Member Details screen click the Update button in the Dependents section of the member.
- Select the Update action on any row with existing data you would like to make the update to.
- Enter the updated data for any of the fields in the row.
Click the
Save button or press the
Enter or
Return key on your keyboard when you've made all your edits.
- This feature is only available for Dependent Tracking clients
- Within the Member Details screen click the Update button in the Dependents section of the member.
- Select the Reinstate action on any row that's been termed that you would like to reinstate.
- Enter the reinstate date in the Effective Date field in the row.
Click the
Save button or press the
Enter or
Return key on your keyboard when you’ve made all your edits.
- This feature is only available for Dependent Tracking clients
- Within the Member Details screen click the Update button in the Dependents section of the member.
- Select the Terminate action on any row you would like to terminate.
- Enter the date of the termination in the Effective Date field in the row.
Click the
Save button or press the
Enter or
Return key on your keyboard when you've made all your edits.
The on-screen results of the Doctor Directory will include all of the doctors for the member's plan based on a 15 mile radius of the address we have on record in Manage Eligibility.
- If there is a complete address for the member listed in Manage Eligibility, you can generate a list of VSP doctors located near that member using the "Nearby Doctors" button on the Member Details page.
Otherwise, the link is not available.