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Ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment, and workplace to fit the employee. When employees are comfortable and work in an environment that’s ergonomically appropriate for them, they’re less likely to get injured performing their job. This leads to higher productivity and increased job satisfaction/engagement.

Ergonomic programs complement your organization’s overall wellness efforts, while helping to reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in the workplace. This leads to a decrease in workers’ compensation claims and often times results in an increase to productivity, quality, and efficiency.

MSDs are injuries that can affect muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, blood vessels, or spinal discs of the body. Levels of severity can range from discomfort, minor aches and pains, to more serious medical conditions. Typically, MSDs affect the back, neck, shoulders and upper limbs. Most work-related MSDs develop over time and are caused either by the work itself or by the employees' working environment. MSDs are also known as:

  • CTDs (cumulative trauma disorders)
  • RSIs (repetitive stress or repetitive strain injuries)
  • RMIs (repetitive motion injuries)
  • Overuse syndrome
Ergonomic Workstation Evaluation Tips
Ergonomics Coordinator Responsibilities
Ergonomic Comfort Tips (Office Workstation)
Ergonomic Workstation Assessment & Evaluation Form (Office Workstation)

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