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Keeping Your Program Alive

Use this message mid-way through the program reminding your employees to celebrate their success and encouraging them to finish.

Healthy Inspirations
Help employees focus on their wellness each week with these tips and motivators— great for posting or e-mailing.
Volume 1 [PDF]
Volume 2 [PDF]

Clubs and Teams [PDF]
A sample list of clubs and teams you could easily start at your organization. Clubs and teams not only provide support and encouragement, but they also provide the chance for a little friendly competition, which can be a great motivating factor.

Celebrating Success

Program Completion
Use this message to congratulate employees who complete the GetFIT Program.

GetFIT Program Certificates
Reward and acknowledge your organization’s GetFIT super stars with one of these customizable award certificates.
Team of the Month [PDF]
Individual of the Month [PDF]
You did it! [PDF]

Growing Your Program

Ergonomic programs complement your organization’s overall wellness efforts, while helping to reduce the number workplace injuries. This can lead to a decrease in workers’ compensation claims and often times results in an increase to productivity, quality, and efficiency. Use these resources to introduce a simple ergonomic program at your organization.

Resources and Education

Focus on Eye Health [Presentation]
Use this presentation to help educate your employees on the importance of eye health and overall wellness.
Open Spanish Version

Focus on Eye Health Downloadable Presentation
If you wish to share the Focus on Eye Health presentation in an environment where Internet access is not available, you may download the presentation.
Download Spanish Version

VSP GetFIT Program Wellness Library [PDF]
A recommended book list to help you start a wellness library at your organization.

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