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The VSP GetFIT Program® is a 16-week program that you can customize to your employees’ needs. Plus, program materials are available for your VSP members and non-VSP members. Participants simply commit to a healthy diet and engage in any activity of their choice to stay fit.

Your involvement can be as great or as limited as your schedule allows. Below are some tools to help you decide how best to structure the program for your workplace.

Planning Your Program

Planning is an essential part of starting a successful wellness program. Use these tools to help you plan and schedule your program from start to finish.

Starting Your Program

Once you've planned and mapped out your VSP GetFIT Program. It's time to take action and launch your program. Use these tools to help promote and kick-off your program.

Supporting Your Program

Keeping your wellness program fresh and exciting is key to the long term success of your program. Use these tools and resources to encourage your employees and to help you grow your program.

riding bikes

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