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Message from Management [PDF]
Use this message to your employees to let them know your GetFIT Program has management support.

Interest Survey [PDF]
Use this employee questionnaire to find out what wellness topics your employees are interested in.

Program Announcement
Use this message to announce the program to your employees.

Enrollment Confirmation
Use this message to thank those employees who’ve signed up to participate in the program.

GetFIT Program Fliers and Posters
Increase awareness of your GetFIT Program with downloadable fliers and posters. Post them in break rooms, bulletin boards, and other common areas, or use them as check stuffers or handouts.
Gym [PDF]
Jogging [PDF]
Skiing [PDF]
Nutrition [PDF]

Member Resources
We’ve got the resources your employees need to participate in the GetFIT Program. Refer your members to the global GetFIT site for helpful tools and resources.

©2025 Vision Service Plan. All rights reserved.